This is a service we offer where there are safeguarding concerns about a child and/or young person who requires constant and close supervision by experts. Support available also include standby service where there may be uncertainty for a need of the support or where you may wish to put a contingency plan in place.
First of all, it is important to state that contact is importance and crucial for a child development and wellbeing. We believe in this core principle and as such, hold the view that contact assists in building and sustaining positive relationships between a child and members of their non-resident family.
We offer supervisors who are skilled and confident enough to intervene immediately and firmly where necessary. We work in a professional manner and in a planned way with vulnerable children and the adult/s present.
Our supervised contact service can be used by private individuals (self-referral) or requested by public services (such as Court, Local Authority or CAFCASS) where it is necessary or deemed that a child has suffered or is at risk of suffering harm during contact.
We provide tailor made service in line with the requested level of supervision. We provide service where you may only need someone to be present to ensure child is safe or where you require a close interaction supervision. These include regular supervision, escorted outings, supported or unrestricted contact, while other will always need the security of full supervision.
We offer supervision in an indoor environment and also promote outdoor activities. In some circumstances, we would offer supervised contact in family home in instances where child is supported to see family members or important relations.
In all instances, a risk assessment or information to enable us complete a risk assessment is relevant before any contact takes place. This is crucial as supervised contact is aimed at ensuring the physical safety and emotional well-being of a child remains paramount.
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