
All employees have signed an employment contract which includes a confidentiality clause to safeguard the identity of the individuals involved with our services except where it is required for safeguarding purposes. Staff are given a copy of the Staff Handbook which details our whistle blowing policy highlighting that the well-being and safety of the young person is of importance at all times whilst in our care.

Recognition of suspected or actual abuse of young people in our staff is the responsibility of all staff employed within the organisation. Therefore, any person who has a knowledge of, or a suspicion that a young person is likely to or has suffered any form of abuse(physical, sexual or emotional) or has been, or is at risk of being exploited in any form, or whose care has been neglected, shall immediately inform the Proprietor, who will then immediately contact one or more of the agencies with statutory duties and/or powers to investigate and intervene(Social Services/ the Police).

Where emergencies or incidents occur out of office hours, the Proprietor shall contact the Emergency Duty Team within Social Services. Additionally the Proprietor shall inform the Social Worker(s) of the young person(s) concerned or the Emergency Duty Team within the area the young person(s) originates, who shall then inform the parent(s) or person with parental responsibility.

Following this initial action, discussions will take place with the appropriate parties and will cover all aspects of the case, including the need for medical advice or diagnosis, the question of need of immediate protection and safety and the need to call a Child Protection Case Conference.

Staff from our organisation will co-operate fully with the investigation undertaken in accordance with the Child Protection Committee procedures and policies. Our staff will also inform the Local Authority Child Protection Unit in the area the child originates.

In cases where a member of staff is the alleged abuser of a young person in the care of our organisation, the action taken will be the same as with any other allegation or suspicion of abuse. Where it appears that allegations may amount to misconduct or gross misconduct against a staff member, disciplinary procedures will be put into place, which may include a period of suspension as a neutral act under employment law.

Paramount importance will be given to the welfare, safety and protection of the young person(s) concerned and all notifications of suspected or actual abuse will be taken seriously and with an open mind, which will not prejudice the investigation or situation.


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